Thursday, November 02, 2006

Found my compass...

Over the past two weeks, I have returned to a consistent routine and have been doing quite well. I have continued to commute to work every day. The only times I don't commute is if it's pouring rain when I am ready to leave, if the temperature is below 25 degrees, or if there is ice on the ground. The latter two haven't occurred just yet, but the first one has. I have no problem with rolling the dice when it looks like it may rain because often, I come up a winner because it doesn't.

There is something must mentally defeating about rolling out in the pouring rain. When I hit one of those days, I drive the car and use the opportunity to run errands at lunch and after work. I also use that day to restock my clothing and food supplies since I don't carry those on my back in my daily commute. I like to travel as light as possible, so I carry a fairly empty Timbuk2 commuter bag with only my planner, some rain gear and my personal stuff (iPod, wallet, keys, magazines, etc.

If I get caught out in the rain, it's not a big deal because I wear or have in my messenger bag, the proper clothing to deal with stuff. Also, my nasty-weather bike has full fenders which do wonders at keeping water off your legs, feet, ass and back. The only part that gets wet when it rains is the tops of my legs and if I get a pair of rain pants, then it's solved.

Commuting is fun...really. It's invigorating to roll out the door on my bike in the early morning hours and look at all the people stuck in their cars, sitting stacked up at intersections, the stress and road-rage building. When I get to work, I feel awake and alive, ready for the day.

I must admit that I sort of feel just a bit "superior" because I do this...not in a arrogant sort of way, but more along the lines of "I know something that you don't". That something is that it's really not that hard. Sure, it takes time to get ready and get the logistics worked out, and it's an evolving sort of thing. Sure, there isn't a shower at work, but I don't have one either and I do just fine, and NO, I DO NOT STINK. It's efficient. It's a challenge. It's a way to get in another hour of exercise per day on top of my normal routine. It's entertaining being the object of stares and wonderment that others reflect upon me. I know what they are thinking. A small handful are saying, "Good for him. I wish I could do that", but the majority are saying, "What a nutbag", or "He must have lost his license because why else would somebody ride a bike", and then the most likely one, "Hey, get off the road you dumb%#*!, _I_ need to get to work so I can do something really important while _you_ are out having fun riding your little bicycle". Which reminds me that I need to write a blog that deals with the behaviors of idiots behind the wheel. There is way too much subject matter to even think about touching the subject today.

If you have a bike, TRY IT! If you want tips and advice on how to be efficent and work out some of the "obstacles", contact me, please! One less car on the road isn't a bad thing.

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